Buy Me a Coffee

Your opportunity to say thank you for the free content on my blog and help support the creation of more tutorials, book reviews, and fashion history rabbit-holes.

I’m a firm believer that you are never too old to learn something new, and also that knowledge and skills should be shared widely! So I created Ramblings of a Costume Nerd as an outlet for that knowledge share. If you learned something new, downloaded a tutorial or pattern, or just want to support a working artist with a one-time contribution, you can buy me a virtual coffee. Content on Ramblings will continue to stay free, however all coffee funds go towards website operating costs, Adobe cloud subscription, and of course adding to the bookshelf.

Your support is totally voluntary, and is on a pay-what-you-will model. Contribute whatever you are comfortable with. You can also leave me a comment about what content you loved so much! That will help me learn what types of content you would like to see more of. I greatly appreciate your support. Cheers!