
Hi, I’m Mary!  I’ve been creating and designing using different mediums my whole life, although my primary work is in live theatre where I have worked in various capacities in costume shops for over 15 years.  I first started dabbling in digital design in grad school, and had gotten away from it as my career shifted more into management than design. During the 2020 COVID pandemic I revisited my work with digital design and started dabbling with creating my own fabric designs, and expanded out to stickers and other print-on-demand items. You can browse and purchase my work on Spoonflower and Threadless.

Ramblings of a Costume Nerd is more or less a manifestation of my fashion history, art, digital design, and sewing/crafty-driven brain. So, what can you expect to see here? Well, it’s a pretty solid mash-up:

  • Sewing tutorials & projects for all levels (with printable instructions & patterns)
  • Non-sewing (but probably fabric related) crafting DIY’s
  • Book reviews. I’m working my way through a decently sized collection of fashion history rabbit-hole books.
  • Fashion history rabbit holes. During my brief stint as a visiting professor, I found that my students (and the faculty across the hall who could listen in) really enjoyed my “weird” and rabbit-hole worthy fashion history lectures. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get all academic on you. We’ll keep it fun. Although maybe I’ll add some downloadable slides if any academic folx would like to use them in a lecture. We’ll see.

So Carpe Denim and come along for the ride! (oh, yes, there will be puns).